The Judicial Conference of the United States has authorized the appointment of a full-time United States Magistrate Judge for the Western District of Pennsylvania at Pittsburgh. The vacancy will occur as of September 4, 2023 upon the retirement of current United States Magistrate Judge Lisa Pupo Lenihan. The current annual salary is $205,528. The term of the office is eight years.
A full public notice, application form and instructions on how to apply for the position are posted on the court’s website at and also are available in the Office of the Clerk of Court at each of the United States Courthouses located at the Joseph F. Weis Jr Courthouse, Suite 3110, 700 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; 17 South Park Row, Room A-150, Erie, Pennsylvania; and 208 Penn Traffic Building, 319 Washington Street, Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Applications must be personally completed by potential nominees and must be received by 4:00 p.m. on January 20, 2023.
Brandy S. Lonchena
Clerk of Court