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Alternative Dispute Resolution

Although litigation, with its formal rules and procedural protections, may be the best process for some civil disputes, many do not fall into this category. Often a quicker resolution and/or resolution designed by the parties is more important and satisfying than any remedy a court might order. The Western District of Pennsylvania’s ADR program gives parties the flexibility to shape the dispute resolution process and outcome and aids our Court in meeting its mission to preserve and enhance the rule of law while providing an impartial and accessible forum for the just, timely and economical resolution of legal proceedings.

ADR Program Information

Policies and Procedures (as of 1/2/2019)
Revised Policies and Procedures (as of 1/1/2025)
Redline Comparison Reflecting Changes

ADR Frequently Asked Questions

ADR Forms
The ADR Forms are PDF writeable forms.  Your computer must be able to write PDF files to save or print any input entered on the form.

ADR Neutral Information

Find an ADR Neutral

ADR Neutral Application

Mediation/Conflict Resolution Training Resources

For additional information, or if you are an ADR neutral and need to update any information regarding your profile, please send an email